Volunteer Opportunities

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller

There are many ways to get involved at The Women’s Center.  By sharing your time and talents with a woman experiencing homelessness, you are touching a woman’s life in your own unique way.


Host breakfast

Sign Up To Host Lunch

Lunch is provided Monday - Friday.
You, your school, community, workplace, church or civic group can provide a lunch for 80-100 women each day.

This is in incredible opportunity to provide lunches for women experiencing homelessness in Raleigh and make sure no one leaves hungry.

Best of all, any lunch leftovers are used for take-out meals for our guests before they leave for the day, so nothing goes to waste!

Host lunch

Sign Up To Host Breakfast

Breakfast is provided Monday through Friday. Join us to provide breakfast for women experiencing homelessness. This is a great opportunity to make an immediate impact and help ensure that our neighbors are fed!

Sign up for a morning shift sorting donations

Sign up for an afternoon shift sorting donations

We are so very fortunate to receive regular donations from our generous neighbors from around Wake County. Help sort food, clothing, and hygiene items so that they are readily available for women when they need them most.

Volunteer in the Warehouse

You must be at least 16 years of age to volunteer at the Women’s Center. We encourage youth clubs, groups, and high schools to contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Nora Robbins to learn more about off-site volunteer opportunities.